Our Process

To Clean Credit History

Our simple, fast and effective credit repair process has helped countless Australians! We help clean credit history so that you can move forward. With any negative listing on your file, finance can be difficult to obtain. We can help you wipe your credit history clean and we give you the freedom to fix your bad credit.

No Administration Fees

No charge per default

Full Refund Guarantee

Free Consultation

Firstly, we at Clear Credit Solutions commend you on taking the first step to clear your credit rating problem. You’ve made the right choice by calling us to help you get on the right track and get your credit file repair in order. 

We have a same day consultancy service and should you pass our qualification requirements, it is at this time your audit fee will be charged. When your audit fee clears, your file is sent to our processing team to begin the repair, clean and remove process. Clear Credit Solutions has helped countless Australians like yourself to wipe their bad credit and get themselves living again.


Armed with the information you have provided us during the consultancy phase, coupled with an up-to-date copy of your credit report, we at Clear Credit Solutions will be combing through your report to determine if we can assist.

We do this by helping remove bad credit and any and all negative listings. This is based on previous client’s success, the information you provide and the default being investigated. Negative listings being: Serious Credit Infringements/Clear-outs, Court Judgments, Writs & Summons & Overdue Account Defaults.

Client Relations

By now our Corporate Communications Manager will be calling you to once again welcome you as a client of Clear Credit Solutions and answer any questions should you have for them.

In some instances the creditors will require some more information in relation to the negative listing/s on your file, in which case we may need to contact you to ensure we can continue to wipe your credit history clean.


The big day is coming! We will soon know if the Credit Reporting bodies have amended your file based on the information and investigation we have lodged on your behalf.

Depending on details and the complexity of your file, we at Clear Credit Solutions have been able to have some files cleared in 8 days or less, but our average response/clearance time is 30 days. One of our team will keep you informed every step of the way. Any time that news is received regarding your file you will be contacted as soon as possible.

Contact Us

We have a skilled team of consultants awaiting to discuss any and all questions you may have.

Please call 1300 789 783 so we can help you clear your credit history! Alternatively fill out the enquiry form and we will give you a call.


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