Why You Really Need A Clear Credit History

At Clear Credit Solutions, we can help you with credit repair so you can have a clear credit history and help you move forward financially. Having negative listings against your credit report will interfere with you getting the finance you need.

Lenders are looking for people who have good credit history because these people are deemed more reliable when it comes time to pay back their loan, compared with someone whom has never received one before, no matter how much you protest your intentions. Even if you’re only borrowing extremely small amounts, this can be used against you in obtaining larger loans ( e.g. car loans, house loan). At Clear Credit Solutions we remove those negative listings, like credit defaults, court judgements and fraudulent enquires from your credit report to help increase your credit score and be approved for the finance you want to obtain.

Negative listings will show up on people’s report and they may not even realize it until they try applying for finance. Getting negative listings removed from your credit report ensures that clients are more likely to get approved for finance when they apply for it in the future, than if their credit report was full of negative listings. This would be one reason why our service is important and helpful to many individuals who want or require finance in their lives, such as buying a car or house.

Clients can then contact us either through their broker or online to ask about service. We investigate a copy of their credit report from one of the 3 major credit reporting bodies in Australia, which are Equifax, Illion and Experian. After, we then discuss with the client and/or broker whether or not we can accept you as a client and fix their credit report. We offer a one set fee of $1500, with no charge per default or negative listing. Our process is an average of 30 days but everyone’s case is different depending on their credit report.

Having a clear credit history can be one of the most important things you need to do when looking to apply for finance. Many banks will not accept you if you have any negative listings on your credit report, making it hard to get loans when you need them.

At Clear Credit Solutions, we are the credit repair experts who can help when it comes to negative listings on a credit file. Do you need you credit repair?

Then get in contact with our friendly staff for a free credit repair assessment. No admin or investigation fees, no charge per default and a full refund guarantee so there is no risk! Call us today on 1300 789 783 or fill in our enquiry and we will call you!

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