Find Out What Doesn't Affect Your Credit Score

There are multiple sources of assistance for someone that has found a negative listing on their credit file. These can range from contacting your mortgage and finance broker, speaking to a friend, or simply doing a Google search. Some of the above sources will point you to the best option for you when it comes to credit fix and that is to contact the team here at Clear Credit Solutions.

Specialising in negative listings and helping you get them remove, Clear Credit Solutions is a simple and fast credit repair service. The team has years of knowledge to help you get those credit defaults, court judgments or clear outs taken off your credit report so that you can move forward.

Not only does the team offer a unique and fast service but also useful articles which consumers can browse themselves to gain further information on the industry.

You may already know what details are included in your credit history, that determine your credit score. But you’ll be even more surprised to learn what personal information doesn’t factor into this rating at all! To discover what isn’t factored, keep reading this helpful and informative credit fix article.

Because only information recorded in your credit history can be used to generate a credit score, this means that these factors following, play no meaningful role in determining whether you have good or bad credit. Religious and political beliefs, sexual orientation or activities, criminal activity in the past years, personality traits, physical appearance and wellbeing along with health issues or disabilities are not recorded.

According to the OAIC, your credit report contains an in-depth summary of personal information such as full name, date of birth, gender, current/previous address and employer. Additionally included is driver’s license number and any consumer credit providers that were used with their type of consumer credit provided at what day or when it was terminated (if applicable).

By accessing the data contained in your credit report, credit bureaus craft your score. If you can meet all of your financial obligations on time and successfully apply for new forms of credit, then you will naturally construct a solid rating or lift up an unsatisfactory one. However, neglecting payments or defaulting them over again may result in poor outcomes when it comes to obtaining a good standing with creditors.

You may be aware of the consequences that multiple credit checks in a short amount of time can have on your credit score. This is because when banks and other financial institutions check your credit, they take it as an indicator that you are looking for more money than usual; this implies to them that you could potentially miss payments or default. Thus, conducting too many inquiries into someone’s finances over a brief span will damage their creditworthiness significantly.

By frequently monitoring your credit score, you can stay apprised of how lenders view you. Doing so may also uncover any inaccurate data in your financial background or if you’ve been targeted by identity thieves – rectifying these issues could improve your credit ranking soon after. It’s certainly worth the effort to check it regularly!

We hope that this credit fix article gave you a better understanding into what is and isn’t included when calculating your credit score, as well as what could affect it. Clear Credit Solutions are the credit repair experts and we help to remove default and negative listings off of credit files, so that you can go obtain the finance that you need! If you have any further questions or would like our assistance when it comes to credit fix, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Source: Jasper

If you have bad credit, don’t despair! Clear Credit Solutions can help you to boost your credit rating by removing credit defaults and negative listings off from you credit file. We’ll work hard on you behalf and make sure you have the best outcome. Contact us today on 1300 789 783 or fill out an application form and we will call you, to learn more about our credit fix process!

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