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5 Simple Steps To Fix Your Credit Rating

At Clear Credit Solutions, we specialize in helping Australians improve their credit ratings by removing negative listings from their credit reports. These negative listings can include credit defaults, court judgments, and fraudulent enquiries, all of which can significantly impact an individual’s ability to obtain financing. By successfully removing these negative items from their credit files, clients can see an increase in their credit scores, improving their chances of approval for future finance applications.

Understanding the Steps to Fix Credit Rating:

The process of fixing a credit rating involves several key steps, each aimed at identifying and addressing issues on the individual’s credit report. At Clear Credit Solutions, we’ve refined this process into five simple steps that anyone can follow to improve their credit rating.

Step 1 – Contact Us:

The first step in fixing your credit rating is to reach out to Clear Credit Solutions for assistance. Clients can contact us directly or through their brokers to inquire about our services and discuss their specific situation. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing personalized support and guidance to help individuals navigate the credit repair process with confidence.

Step 2 – Investigation:

Once a client has contacted us, we initiate an investigation into their credit report. We obtain a copy of their credit report from one of the three major credit reporting bodies in Australia – Equifax, Illion, or Experian. This thorough examination allows us to identify any negative listings or inaccuracies that may be impacting the client’s credit rating.

Step 3 – Acceptance:

After conducting a comprehensive review of the client’s credit report, we determine if we can assist them in fixing their credit rating. If we believe we can help, we proceed to the acceptance stage. At this point, we inform the client of our findings and outline the steps we will take to address their credit issues. We also disclose our fully refundable fee of $1500, which covers the cost of our services.

Step 4 – Waiting:

Once the client has accepted our services and paid the fee, we begin working on their behalf to resolve any issues identified in their credit report. The duration of this process can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the severity of the negative listings. On average, clients can expect the process to take around 30 days, although this timeline may be shorter or longer depending on individual circumstances.

Step 5 – Results:

Upon completion of the credit repair process, we provide the client with the results of our efforts. This typically involves sending the client or their broker a copy of the fixed credit report or confirmation that the necessary corrections have been made. With their credit rating improved and negative listings removed, clients can now move forward with confidence, knowing that their financial prospects have been significantly enhanced.

Additional Steps Consumers Can Take:

In addition to seeking professional assistance, consumers in Australia can also take proactive steps to improve their credit rating on their own. This includes obtaining a copy of their credit report from a credit reporting agency and carefully reviewing it for any inaccuracies or negative listings. Consumers should also ensure that their personal and financial details with creditors are up to date and accurate, including current address information and contact details. By regularly monitoring their credit report and addressing any discrepancies promptly, consumers can take control of their credit rating and work towards achieving their financial goals.


Fixing your credit rating doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right guidance and support from Clear Credit Solutions, anyone can take proactive steps to improve their creditworthiness and secure a brighter financial future. By following our simple five-step process and taking additional actions to monitor and manage their credit, individuals can address negative listings on their credit reports and take control of their financial health. Don’t let a poor credit rating hold you back – contact Clear Credit Solutions today and take the first step towards a better tomorrow.

Contact Us

At Clear Credit Solutions, we are the credit repair experts and can help when it comes to negative listings on a credit file.

Get in contact with our friendly staff for a free credit repair assessment today. No admin or investigation fees, no charge per default and a full refund guarantee so there is no risk! You can either call 1300 789 783 or fill in our enquiry and we will call you today.

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